Open Letter to John McFall MP

On July 7 I wrote a letter to the Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee that hasn’t been answered yet.

Encouraged and aided by Peter Etherden who publishes the History of Usury, I now posted this Open Letter:

Dear Mr McFall MP

Inquiry into the Money Supply and its Long-Term Development

Noting that your recent hearing was on the necessary topic of Banking Reform, I wonder whether you’d consider making a long term view of the money supply the subject of one of your future inquiries?

In view of the ‘credit crunch’ we would suggest that what’s really happening is a ‘cash crumble’. You will recall that this was one of the results of analysing the data of the Bank of England which was part of our submission to the Committee’s inquiry into the Stern report.

I still would be grateful if I could discuss our position and analysis with you personally and would very much appreciate an appointment.

With continued admiration for the way you execute your role, I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Sabine K McNeill FRSA

One response to “Open Letter to John McFall MP

  1. Merry Christmas to all… and to all a good night.

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