@TEDTalks The Privatisation of the Creation of #Money @BjergOle

Ole Bjerg is an Associate Professor of Copenhagen Business School. He identifies beautifully the critical aspects of the creation of money:

  1. the difference between
    • Paper Money [Cash – about 5% of the money supply] and
    • Electronic Money [Credit – about 95% of the money supply]
  2. the negative consequences:
    • instability
      • banks issue money when the economy is booming and hold back otherwise;
    • inequality
      • interest is a ‘tax’ on money
      • with growing inequality based on the level of interest rates
    • concentration of power
      • how much money?
      • at what price?
      • for what purpose?
  3. Hence politicians appear to be impotent, as decisions are made in board rooms of banking institutions – outside democratic institutions.
    • the smart solution is an update of what Central Banks do with respect to PAPER money to INCLUDE electronic money;
      • all citizens should have accounts with Central Banks!
    • Commercial banks continue to
      • take deposits and lend it
      • as a LINK between people who save and who borrow.
  4. This is a SOVEREIGN system of money creation – reminding citizens to
    • understand the creation of money
    • participate in the political process of deciding WHO creates money.


Cryptos vs Banksters [& the Bankers are Losing!] @clif_high What are @CurrencyNews @money #wealth?

This interview with Clif High illustrates an ‘interesting’ state of knowledge or the absence of understanding the essence of the original purpose of ‘currency’ as ‘money’ to facilitate trade:

  1. accumulating material wealth is priority;
  2. ‘currency’ is not a medium of exchange but a ‘store of value;
  3. electronic ‘coins’ are being created for that very purpose – preferably by web bots.

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Sudeley vs Lloyds: disclosure of bank records after 125 years? #fraudulent #historic #bankruptcy due to #usury @MoJGovUK @UKHomeOffice

17 03 26 Lord Sudeley.jpgThe Forum for Stable Currencies would not have been created without Lord Sudeley. He would not have learned about usury at the root of our dishonest money system, if his family had not been bankrupted in 1893 by Lloyds Bank – as published on the above archive site.

Since we organised meetings at the House of Lords and Commons, we made so many connections among victims of bank and judicial fraud that I created a whole list of websites:

  • first men who had created businesses and were bankrupted;
  • then families whose homes were re-possessed;
  • and finally the mothers whose children were kidnapped by the state’s institutions – all in all 33 sites promoting and advocating Open Justice.

When I met Lord Sudeley for the first time, I remember saying to him: when we heal your family, we will heal your nation… Today I received this email from him:

“Much new ground was broken on our bankruptcy in the paper by Dr Stanley Chapman, author of The Rise of Merchant Banking, in The Sudeleys – Lords of Toddington, published in 1987 by the Manorial Society of 104 Kennington Road, London SE11.

17 03 26 CymmodriansFurther advances are given in my 10-page paper, just published in the Transactions of the Cymmrodorion Society, together with its Ancillary Memorandum. The Enterprise Act has mitigated the harsher effects of the old cardinal rule in business that liquidity or cash flow is more important than capital. And now we may understand more clearly how under Slow Payment of our debt which arose put of the agricultural depression there would have been no bankruptcy.

Looking ahead, perhaps not enough headway is to be anticipated over the eradication of usury, which was the root of our trouble, since usury has become too ingrained in our monetary system. More headway might be expected however over the unsatisfactory character of banks guarantees, which reduced without in the end altogether eliminating the fourth Lady Sudeley’s Tollemache inheritance.

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@ukhomeoffice @kaletsky Déjà vu: #Maastricht #Lisbon #Brexit: autocratic Central Banks control Governments who borrow money at interest

16 07 07 MaastrichtThis article was published by the Social Creditor in 1989.

It refers to Anatole Kaletsky writing in The Times and highlights the fundamental problems that have NOT been addressed since either:

  1. unelected Central Bankers rule by controlling currencies and their relative values;
  2. national governments BORROW at INTEREST from private bankers;
  3. government bonds are one of the financial tools that provide passive income.

As a consequence, money has long ceased to be a ‘medium of exchange‘ but has become a ‘tool to control‘ as part of everything that’s dishonest about our money system.

Financial markets and their customers have become clearly more influential than elections and their voters – in the general hype of the media, where the goal is deception just as in George Orwell’s 1984.  Continue reading

Hitler was financed by @FederalReserve and @BankofEngland

16 05 27 HitlerIt takes long-term thinking to understand geo-political processes.

It takes a ‘niche interest’ to want to study how the world has been duped and deceived into what’s so dishonest about our money system. 

And it takes a historian who wants to know the truth:

Yuri Rubtsov is a doctor of historical sciences, academician of the Academy of military sciences, and member of  the International Association of historians of world war II.

The result is this article:

An excellent time line of four roughly 5-year stages, starting 1919, and an important account of the key players in finance and in industry.



@MMFlint Reality vs Fiction: #WhereToInvade @USA and @TheBigShort @UKParliament

There is hope!
It comes from creative thinkers who put their thoughts into actions that inspire and empower others. Here are two films that do exactly that:

  1. Where to Invade Next by the most wonderful Michael Moore from Flint, Michigan – based on ‘what ifs’ that could all become possible;
  2. The Big Short by American Adam McKay – based on the reality of the financial crisis in 2008-2009.

This email from David Pidcock makes the link to the UK Bradbury Pound as the MODEL for GOVERNMENT rather than BANK issued money as the basis for dishonest money in circulation:



The Big Short
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@MonetaryReform News from the LONDON GLOBAL TABLE February 3rd 2016 12-2 pm

16 02 02 Global TableThis newsletter is one of Canon Peter Challen’s regular email – long standing monetary reformer and organiser of the London Global Table – in the spirit of the Forum for Stable Currencies:

MATTERS IN THE AIR: February 3rd 2016: in which all may share as our networking prospers the cause of inclusive justice… visit the website to view the evolving agenda for the next meeting: http://www.globaltable.org.uk.

DISCUSS MOMENTUM  and other introductions to rethinking our voting systems and their potential

FORTHCOMING EVENTS: See http://globaltable.org.uk/wp/forthcoming-events

ELLEN BROWN : our associate is the Speaker at the RSA on Wednesday 17 February 2016 – Why We Should Own the Banks – 1.00pm – 2.00pm – RSA, 8 John Adam Street, London, WC2N 6EZ – https://www.thersa.org/events/2016/02/why-we-should-own-the-banks/. Continue reading

How the simple appeal of money makes it near impossible to explain what real money is to the Citizenry

The Slog

For the overwhelming number of people out there – stretching well into 3-figure IQs – the technicalities and varieties of ‘money’ are of no interest whatsoever. They don’t get it and they don’t care that they don’t get it. It bores the living crap out of them. Money for them is something you want enough of if possible, but not none of. That’s it, period, the end.
For the majority of Westerners , the important things in life are enjoying the comfort and safety of the tribe, a warm room below a dry roof, kids, shopping, sports, media entertainment and holidays. For almost all of this, one needs money….but getting it and then carrying on as usual is infinitely more important than the process of getting it and what it costs.
A few things learned while researching consumer consumption of debt:
1. Blue collar people ask only one question…

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Researching Reform For Jordans: Austerity Is Harming Our Children

If only people began to think LONG term thanks to children, grandchildren and GENERATIONS at stake…

Researching Reform

In our latest article for Jordans, we chose to talk about the growing body of evidence which suggests strongly that the government’s budget cuts, largely directed at the most vulnerable in society, are visibly placing our children at risk.

From the current research available produced by well respected think tanks, academics and charities, to the increasing strain on support services where children and young people can no longer get the help they need, economic policy, far from improving outcomes, is creating a perfect storm for the next government to battle.

But the Family Justice System has a part to play in protecting vulnerable children, and it must do more. The President of the Family Division is, much to his credit, trying to do just that, but one lone voice is not enough. In this piece, we argue that everyone inside the sector must stand up for the rights of the child…

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COMER Committee on #Monetary and #Economic #Reform in #Canada: Constitutional Lawyer vs Bank of Canada

Forum for Stable Currencies

COMER, the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform was established in Canada 1986 and has been investigating what we’ve been studying through the Forum for Stable Currencies: the creation and privilege of ‘money’ which has become a means to control rather than a medium of exchange – through the powers of central banks.  Hence we’ve been advocating the Enforcement of the Bank of England Act 1694.

Fortunately, the Global Table continues our debates at lunch time every Wednesday.

This sequence of videos illustrates how a constitutional lawyer challenges the situation via the Canadian government.

Structure of the Federal Reserve System Structure of the Federal Reserve System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“We’ve been forced into an interest addiction by the banks.” 

On giving interest-free loans to regional governments – published on 11 February 2015:

This video was published on 30 March 2015 about Canada’s prospect of losing her sovereignty:

And then there is this publication of…

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